Whether you’ve been working out your whole life or whether you’ve just received the good news and feel that you should start exercising to gain strength, you can start by searching for a gym for ladies near me online and checking out the options you have. You might want to join a ladies’ gym as a female trainer is more likely to understand the needs of your body, and fellow members are likely to provide more support given that the changes that bodies go through during pregnancies are a female-exclusive experience.
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Safety Tips
It should be reiterated that your level of activity during pregnancy depends on a number of factors such as your level of fitness, how you are feeling, whether you have soreness or morning sickness and most importantly whether or not you have your doctor’s approval. However, if there are no complications then opting to maintain a healthy lifestyle would be in your best interest. Not only does working out build strength but also helps in easing pain during delivery and helps you get back in shape postpartum quickly and effectively. Apart from these, exercising has obvious benefits such as the prevention of gestational diabetes and works as a great stressbuster. Moreover, if you are a working professional on maternity leave and/or living away from your extended family, then going to the gym is a great way of networking and forming friendships with other females. Here are a few exercises that are safe to try during pregnancy:
Prenatal Yoga will not only help in increasing flexibility but given its focus on meditation and diaphragmatic breathing, it also creates a sense of calmness and peace. Yoga is an ancient practice and is one of the safest ways of maintaining an active lifestyle during pregnancy. However, remember to avoid postures that require too many twists and turns and need you to lie down on your back or belly for a prolonged period of time, in the later stages of your pregnancy.
Pilates has grown in popularity during the last few years and justifiably so. Pilates are great for building core strength which will help in supporting your growing belly, will minimise back pain and provide you with the strength required to push the baby during labour. It is advisable, of course, to avoid exercise that requires you to lie on your back. Instead, you can use an angled foam spine support that helps in keeping the level of your head higher than your belly.
Strength Training
This is pretty self-explanatory. Building your muscles will better help you in building up strength. Pregnancy floods female bodies with a hormone called relaxin that loosens the ligaments in the body. However, contrary to popular myth, this is unlikely to cause joint injury and lifting weights is relatively safe during pregnancy. However, it is advisable to practice weightlifting under supervision.
Cardio is almost a must and it is recommended by doctors during pregnancy. Whether you’ve been already active, or you are thinking of starting now, at least 30 mins of low-intensity cardio for three days a week is recommended.
Whether you are pregnant for the very first time or you are welcoming a sibling for your kid(s), no two pregnancies are alike. Every mother experiences pregnancy differently and what works for someone might not work for you and vice versa. It is important to figure out what suits your needs and for this, you require guidance from experts. Top Stretching is a wonderful place to find the right guidance. And the best part is that before committing you can book a trial. So book now and discover the wonders of exercising and pregnancy!